Wednesday, January 19

TOEFL Tip #16

One challenge test-takers face is speaking into a microphone on test day. Actually, the problem is not speaking into a microphone. No. The problem is recording your voice, then hearing yourself speak (Oh, my God! Is that me! I sound like a bird in a can!)

How can you overcome your embarrassment? Simple. When you practice speaking, record your voice and play it back, again and again and again. Repetition will soon breed familiarity which produces indifference. Translated, that means after you hear your recorded voice a million times, you will no longer care. And really, the only person who is worried about your voice is you, right? So record your voice and play it back, again and again. In one or two days, your worries will be gone - and you will be test ready.

But what if hearing your recorded voice is not the problem? What if you are just too nervous? Then scream. Serious. If you are too nervous (shy) to speak into a microphone, that means nervous energy is trapped inside. How can you free that nervous energy? Scream. I mean, really scream. Go into a closet and scream. Scream into a pillow. Scream at yourself in the mirror. Scream like The Exorcist. Scream like Home Alone. Scream like The Scream by Edvard Munch. Scream like Homer Simpson realizing all the pink donuts are gone. Scream so hard you can't breathe, then scream some more. Believe me, it works. When recording, and you make a mistake, scream some more, and start again.

Remember: When going to the test center on test day, if you are nervous, scream. Don't worry. People won't care. They know you are going to take the TOEFL test.                                                                                                         

Why is screaming an essential TOEFL strategy? Because screaming opens the door through which nervous energy escapes. So do it. Scream. You will relax, be test ready - and get a higher TOEFL score.

The Pro

_______________________________© Bruce Stirling 2011