Friday, January 14

Good Neighbor Essay

Prompt: What are the qualities of a good neighborhood? Use examples and reasons to develop and support your argument.

This is, without a doubt, the most popular TOEFL prompt of all time. Does ETS use this prompt on the official TOEFL test? I doubt it. Everyone who has ever taken a TOEFL course has practiced writing this essay. ETS knows this, so I'm sure ETS doesn't use it for official testing purpose. If they did, everyone would get a 5.

That said, take a look at the Pro's version. Note how I use compare-and-contrast, illustration, and cause-and-effect while definition and classification are inferred. Note the idioms as well.

Question: Does this essay have an opinion? See the answer.

What are the qualities of a good neighbor? From my experience, a good neighbor is a lot of things, but most of all considerate. What do I mean? Let me explain.

Mr. Greenleaf, my neighbor to the north, is very considerate. Before he does anything, he always considers what his neighbors will think, unlike Mr. Blackhart across the street. For example, Mr. Greenleaf always cuts his grass and takes in his garbage cans after the garbage truck comes. Mr. Blackhart, however, never cuts his grass. His front yard look like a jungle, and his garbage cans always roll around on the street days after the truck has gone. People have to drive around them, and you never know what wild animal is lurking in his grass. Worse, his big black dog Killer runs around doing his business everywhere while Mr. Greenleaf's toy poodle Peaches is always on a chain and does his business in all the right places. Which neighbor do you think is more considerate? You do the math.

The Sambas, my neighbors to the south, are also very considerate. They are from Brazil. Like most Brazilians, they love to kick up their heels. And do they party! Every Saturday they have a big shindig that always ends at midnight so as not to disturb the neighborhood, unlike Mr. Blackhart. His parties are so noisy, my sister five miles away can hear them. Not only that but the police always come at four a.m. and arrest everyone. Which neighbor do you think is more considerate? That's a no brainer.

As I've illustrated, good neighbors are considerate. Who would you like next to you, the Sambas and Mr. Greenleaf, or Mr. Blackhart? Think about that the next time you take out the garbage, cut your grass, and have a party.


ETS says an independent essay "should be around 300 - but you can write more." This essay is exactly 300 words.

The Pro

© Bruce Stirling 2011