Tuesday, January 18

TOEFL Tip #15

Imagine you are a TOEFL writing rater or a speaking rater. The responses you rate are pretty much the same. Yes, one or two stand out, but after an hour, the responses all blur together. At this point, rating becomes mechanical, just like making Big Macs.

So how, as a test-taker, can you get your responses noticed? How can you make your responses rise above the rest and get a higher score? Do so by using rarely used synonyms. For example:

I am studying TOEFL because I want to study in America.

Pretty basic, right? Not only that but every test-taker uses because or since. Keiko in Japan. Ewa in Poland. Dorothee in Germany. Michelle in France. Roberto in Peru. It's like ordering a Coke with fries at MacDonald's. Everybody does it. Ah, but what if you order a mango-kiwi smoothie with your fries? Or a strawberry-peach, non fat organic yogurt smoothie? Would that get you noticed? Would you stand out? You bet. Every server would look at you and think, "Wow! Cool."

Notice how one phrase can change everything. One word can do the same - like changing because to the rarely-used synonym inasmuch as. Look at the following examples.

I am studying TOEFL inasmuch as I want to study in America.


I would like a strawberry-peach, non fat organic yogurt smoothie inasmuch as it is healthier than a Coke. Yes, I know the fries are just as bad, but they are so good!


I am studying TOEFL owing to the fact that I want to practice dentistry in Canada.


I am reading this sentence owing to the fact that I want to get a high TOEFL score inasmuch as I want to go to Yale and change the world. Why do I want to change the world? Because the world needs changing.

Easy, right?

The Pro

 ______________________________________________________© Bruce Stirling 2011