Saturday, December 10

My next TOEFL book available January 2017

Do you plan to take the TOEFL test or IELTS but are not ready for the challenge? Do you need more academic English practice? If you do, then this book is for you. It is also for those who simply want to practice academic English. Whatever your purpose, this book will give you a foundation in essential academic English. Even though the focus is on TOEFL, the strategies are applicable to IELTS. Why? Because IELTS, like TOEFL, tests your knowledge of college-level academic English.

Vocabulary Strategies

The vocabulary component consists of three grouped exercise types: Structure, Vocabulary, and Written Expression. The questions are all multiple-choice. These exercises are not on the TOEFL test but are excellent academic English practice nonetheless. Combined, they will help you build an academic English vocabulary and introduce you to college-level English grammar. Note: These exercises get more challenging as you work your way through the book.

Argument Strategies

The argument component consists of basic argument strategies that teach you how to argue subjectively and objectively, in writing and verbally. You will also learn how to summarize, in writing and verbally. Summarizing is an essential skill for TOEFL and IELTS. Each topic is followed by exercises divided into three levels. Level one is the easiest while level three is the most challenging.

By practicing both strategy types, you will develop the academic English foundation you need for TOEFL and IELTS success, and for studying in the United States.