Sunday, September 23

Preference Essay - TOEFL example

Below is an example of a TOEFL independent essay. A TOEFL independent essay is an opinion-based essay. For this task, you have 30-minutes to state your opinion, then support it with examples.


Prompt: Do you prefer a laptop computer or a desktop computer? Use reasons and examples to support your argument.
Today, people have a big choice between laptop computers and desktop computers. So which do I prefer? Personally, I prefer a laptop because a laptop is great for taking notes in class, portable and affordable.
A laptop is great for taking notes in class. For example, I’m a university student and I need a laptop for my classes. If I didn’t have a laptop, I’d have to take notes by hand, and that would be really slow. Also, my handwriting is really bad, but with my laptop I can quickly take notes. This saves me a lot of time. I couldn’t take notes with a desktop. It is too big and not made for carrying. As you can see, a laptop is definitely best for taking notes in class.

Also, a laptop is portable. For example, I can take my laptop anywhere to study. This is good because sometimes my roommate plays really loud music. This drives me nuts. When he plays his music, I can’t do any homework, so I go the library or Starbucks. There I can do my homework and connect to the internet with Wi-Fi. Because my laptop is portable, I can do these things. Best of all, I don’t have to listen to my roommate’s music.

In addition, a laptop is affordable. For example, a few years ago laptops, like my Sony Vaio, were very expensive but now you can get a really fast laptop with lots of memory for cheaper than a desktop. This is good because I can save money. With this money, I can buy other school things like books.

In the final analysis, I definitely prefer a laptop because it is great for taking notes in class, portable and affordable. What more do I need?

Words: 294           Score: 5/5

Remember: A TOEFL independent essay should be approximately 300 words.



Do you want to learn how to write a high-scoring TOEFL independent essay just like this one? It's all in my book: Scoring Strategies for the TOEFL iBT A Complete Guide.