Wednesday, February 22

Essay Competition!

Write an independent TOEFL essay and win a copy of my best-selling TOEFL text, Scoring Strategies for the TOEFL iBT A Complete Guide.


1. Read the following independent essay prompt.

Which has influenced you more, art or science? Use examples and reasons to support your argument.

2. Write an independent essay that answers the above-prompt.
3. Maximum 325 words (the judges will count words!).
4. Submit your essay as a Word doc.
5. Submit your essay to
6. Submit one essay only.
7. Submitted essays will receive a score but no comments.
8. The judges reserve the right not to grant a winner.
9. The winning essay will receive a free, autographed copy of Scoring Strategies for the TOEFL iBT A Complete Guide by Bruce Stirling.

10. The winning essay will be posted on TOEFL Pro and on TOEFL Pro Facebook.
11. Deadline: midnight 2/29/12

Good luck!