TOEFL texts do not explain how to rate written and verbal responses. Instead, they give sample responses and say, "This integrated essay is a 5; this independent essay is a 4; this speaking task is a 3", etc.
Okay, so why, you ask, am I always scoring 3 on the independent essay and not 5? TOEFL texts don’t explain. Instead, they say, “This sample independent essay is a 3. Trust me.” In short, TOEFL texts provide no rhetorical analysis explaining why an essay scored 4.5 and not 5, or why a verbal response score 2.5/4 and not 3.5/4. If you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, how can you get a higher score?
My texts are different. Totally. My texts show you how to analyze written and verbal responses rhetorically so that you know exactly how to revise your responses for higher scores. I teach you how to do that using OPDUL=C (op-dull-see).
OPDUL=C is my classroom-proven and test-proven argument analyzer.
Development = Coherence
Language Use
If an essay (or verbal response) demonstrates proficiency (skill and knowledge) in all areas of OPDUL, then it will demonstrate Coherence. Greater coherence will result in a higher a score.
Why is OPDUL=C so effective? Because it tells you exactly what the official TOEFL writing and speaking raters are trained to look for. In other words, I teach you how to think like a TOEFL rater! Best of all, OPDUL=C eliminates the mystery of how to rate TOEFL verbal and written responses.
After you analyze a response using OPDUL=C, you will then rate it using my specially designed writing and speaking rating guides. These user-friendly guides explain in simple language the rhetorical theory behind ETS's writing and speaking rubrics specific to OPDUL=C. This, in turn, will help you maximize scoring.
Of course, OPDUL=C is more detailed than what you see above. For example, deduction and induction are sub-categories of Organization.
Want to know more? It's all in my books.
The Pro