Friday, December 3

Another Pro Strategy - The Warrant!

As a TOEFL instructor and TOEFL author, I often see this problem in independent and in integrated essays. That problem is a lack of a warrant.

What is a warrant? A warrant is what can be inferred from a reversed cause-and-effect relationship, for example:

1. Because I want a high TOEFL score... (effect or "grounds")
2. I should study hard (cause or "claim")
3. Studying hard will help me get a high TOEFL score (warrant or "conclusion").

Because I want a high TOEFL score, I should study hard. Studying hard will help me get a high TOEFL score.

As you can see, a warrant is the inference (the conclusion) we make when we add the effect (grounds) and the cause (claim). Look at the another example.

1. Because I am hungry... (grounds/effect)
2. I should each something (claim/cause)
3. Eating something will satisfy my hunger (warrant).

Because I am hungry, I should eat something. Eating something will satisfy my hunger.

Look at another example.

1. Since it is raining today... (grounds)
2. I should take my umbrella (claim)
3. Taking my umbrella will keep me dry (warrant).

Since it is raining today, I should take my umbrella. Taking (using) my umbrella will keep me dry.

A warrant is very important. It answers the question why (you should do something). In other words, a warrant is a reason ("Give reasons to support your opinion"!)

In writing (and speaking), a warrant acts as a concluding sentence.

WARNING! Many TOEFL students do not include concluding sentences (warrants) when writing and when speaking, for example:
Prompt: Should you or shouldn't you take your umbrella today? Give reasons to support your opinion.

Since it is raining today, I should take my umbrella.

Notice how the warrant is missing. If the warrant is missing, the reason is missing. If the reason is missing, you will get a lower score. Compare the above-response with this response. Big difference, right? Right.

Since it is raining today, I should take my umbrella. Taking my umbrella will keep me dry.

In the above-example, note how the warrant completes the reasoning of your argument.

Now look at a sample independent essay. Note how each body paragraph is missing a concluding sentence (warrant).

Prompt: Do you prefer a laptop or a desktop computer? Give reasons to support your opinion.

Personally, I prefer a laptop to a desktop.

For example, I’m a university student and I need a laptop for my classes. If I didn’t have a laptop, I’d have to take notes by hand, and that would be really slow. Also, my handwriting is really bad, but with my laptop I can quickly take notes. This saves me a lot of time. I couldn’t take notes with a desktop. It is too big and not made for carrying.

In addition, I can take my laptop anywhere to study. This is good because sometimes my roommate plays really loud music. When he plays his music, I can’t do any homework so I go the library or to Starbucks. There I can connect to the internet and do my homework.

Moreover, a few years ago laptops were very expensive but now you can get a really fast laptop with lots of memory, like my Sony, for cheaper than a desktop.
In the final analysis, I definitely prefer a laptop.

In the final analysis, I definitely prefer a laptop.

Now look at the revised essay with a warrant (conclusion) added to the end of each body paragraph.

Prompt: Do you prefer a laptop or a desktop computer? Give reasons to support your opinion.

Personally, I prefer a laptop to a desktop.

For example, I’m a university student and I need a laptop for my classes. If I didn’t have a laptop, I’d have to take notes by hand, and that would be really slow. Also, my handwriting is really bad, but with my laptop I can quickly take notes. This saves me a lot of time. I couldn’t take notes with a desktop. It is too big and not made for carrying. As you can see, a laptop is definitely best for note taking in class.

In addition, I can take my laptop anywhere to study. This is good because sometimes my roommate plays really loud music. When he plays his music, I can’t do any homework so I go the library or to Starbucks. There I can connect to the internet and do my homework. Because my laptop is small and portable, I can do these things. Best of all, I don’t have to listen to my roommate’s music.

Moreover, a few years ago laptops were very expensive but now you can get a really fast laptop with lots of memory, like my Sony, for cheaper than a desktop. This is good because I can save money. With this money, I can buy other school things like books.

In the final analysis, I definitely prefer a laptop.

By adding a conclusion (warrant) to each body paragraph, each body paragraph now has three parts (transition-topic, example, conclusion). A three-part body paragraph will always score higher.

When developing written and spoken responses, don't forget the warrants!

Want to learn more speaking and writing strategies? It's all in the book.


 Don't Forget the Warrant!

© Bruce Stirling 2010-11