Friday, January 27

TOEFL vs. IELTS: Which is better?

The Pro gets this question a lot. What do I think? I think you should stop worrying about which test is better or easier. If you get a high TOEFL score, you will get a high IELTS score, and vice versa. It is that simple. That said, keep these points in mind.

TOEFL and IELTS both test academic (formal) English.
TOEFL and IELTS both test reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
TOEFL and IELTS are both rhetoric-based tests (thank you Aristotle).
TOEFL and IELTS both use strange scoring systems nobody can figure out.
TOEFL is a private American company; IELTS is run by the British government.
TOEFL is four hours long; IELTS is less than 3 hours.
TOEFL you do in one sitting; IELTS you must come back on day two for the speaking test.
TOEFL you speak into a microphone: IELTS you speak to a real person.
TOEFL uses no graphics for testing: IELTS uses graphics for testing.
TOEFL costs $175.00 in the U.S.; IELTS costs $185.00 in the U.S. (prices as of 1/24/12)

One big difference between TOEFL and IELTS is the questions. IELTS questions are very British: long and wordy whereas TOEFL questions are very American: clear and to the point.
What about British vs. American English? That too is a non issue. The difference between these two dialects is negligible; moreover, the subtle distinctions between British and American English don't even enter the equation as far as testing is concerned. Instead, it's all about analyzing and delivering arguments. Why? Because the British and the American educational system are both built on Greek rhetoric (thank you Aristotle).  
The Snob Factor: Some think IELTS is better because it is British and British English, as we all know, is better than an American English, right? Nonsense. If you think TOEFL is easy when practicing, I suggest you reserve judgment until after you take the TOEFL test. The same with IELTS.