
Friday, August 5

TESOL Calendar of Worldwide Events

September 2011
·   3-6. (Asia and Oceania) The First Extensive Reading World Congress, "Extensive Reading--The Magic Carpet to Language Learning", Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan E-mail erwc1@erfoundation.org. Web sitehttp://erfoundation.org/erwc1.
·   16-18. (Central and South America) Panama TESOL, "Examining Paths to Excellence," Universidad Latina, Panama City, Panama. E-mail info@panamatesol.org. Web site http://www.panamatesol.org.
·   16-17. (North America) Georgia TESOL, "The Art in the Heart of Teaching," Augusta, Georgia, USA. E-mailgeller.dana@gmail.com. Web site http://www.georgiatesol.wildapricot.org.
·   22-24. (Africa and the Middle East) 2011 English Australia Conference, Adelaide, Australia . E-mailinfo@eaconference.edu.au.
·   22-24. (Central and South America) XIII National FENAPIUPE Congress, "Coping with New Trends in ELT," Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador. E-mail fenapiup@yahoo.com.
October 2011
·   1-3. (Africa and the Middle East) TESOL Conference in Qatar, "Putting Research Into Practice," Qatar National Convention Centre, Doha, Qatar. E-mail edprograms@tesol.org. Web site http://www.tesol.org/researchintopractice.
·   3-5. (North America) International Association of Computer Adaptive Testing (IACAT), Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA. E-mail anne_woods@ctb.com. Web site http://CTB.com/IACAT.
·   13-15. (North America) Southeast TESOL, "Culture, Language, & Heritage," Omni-Downtown, Richmond, Virginia, USA. E-mail jkuchno@gmail.com. Web site http://www.vatesol.cloverpad.org.
·   13-14. (Asia and Oceania) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, "International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level," Hong Kong, E-mail egistetl@inet.polyu.edu.hk. Web site http://www.engl.polyu.edu.hk/events/7thISTETL.htm.
·   15-16. (Asia and Oceania) Korea TESOL (KOTESOL), "Pushing Our Paradigms; Connecting with Culture," Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea. E-mail disin@chosun.ac.kr. Web site http://www.koreatesol.org/IC2011CallForPapers.
·   20-22. (Asia and Oceania) 15th International INGED ELT Conference, "Taking it to the limits," Hacettepe University, School of Foreign Languages, Ankara, Turkey. E-mail 2011ingedconference@gmail.com. Web site http://inged.org.tr.
·   21-22. (North America) Intermountain TESOL, "Assessing English Language Learners," Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. E-mail brent.green@slcc.edu. Web site http://www.itesol.org.
·   27-30. (North America) Mexico TESOL (MEXTESOL), "New Challanges for the New Decade in ELT," Centro de Convenciones, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. E-mail piawhite@hotmail.com. Web site http://www.mextesol.org.mx.
·   27-29. (North America) 39th TESL Ontario Conference, "Language Learning: A focus on success," Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, 123 Queen Street West , Toronto, Ontario, Canada. E-mail conference@teslontario.ca. Web sitehttp://www.teslontario.org/conference/.
·   27-29. (Asia and Oceania) GLoCALL 2011, "Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning," De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. E-mail conference@glocall.org. Web site http://glocall.org/.
·   27-29. (North America) TexTESOL III, "ESL Voices in Harmony," Doubletree Hotel North, Austin, Texas, USA. E-maillmunoz5@austin.rr.com. Web site http://www.textesol.org/region3.
November 2011
·   4-5. (North America) MinneTESOL, "Engaged Minds, Active Learning," Radisson Metrodome, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. E-mail cleme050@umn.edu. Web site http://www.minnetesol.org.
·   5. (North America) NNETESOL, Saint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont, USA. E-mailshelly.chasse@maine.edu. Web site http://www.nnetesol.org.
·   11-12. (North America) Colorado TESOL (CoTESOL), "35 Years and Beyond: Creating, Crafting, and Innovating," Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast, Denver, Colorado, USA. E-mail larry.fisher@colorado.edu. Web sitehttp://www.colorado.edu/iec/cotesol.
·   12. (Asia and Oceania) IATEFL, Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG), Kanda University, Japan. E-maileleanor@iatefl.org. Web site http://www.iatefl.org/events/sig-events.
·   18-20. (Europe and Eurasia) IATEFL, Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG), Dubrovnik, Croatia. E-maileleanor@iatefl.org. Web site http://www.iatefl.org/events/sig-events.
·   18-21. (Asia and Oceania) Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), "Teaching, Learning, Growing," National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, Japan. E-mail program@jalt.org. Web site http://www.jalt.org/conference.
·   18-19. (North America) Puerto Rico TESOL, "Integrating Ethics, Values, and Life Skills in the Teaching of English," Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico. E-mail info@puertoricotesol.org. Web sitehttp://puertoricotesol.org.
·   18-19. (Europe and Eurasia) TESOL Italy, "Words & Worlds," SGM Conference Center, Rome, Italy. E-mailtesolitaly@gmail.com. Web site http://www.tesolitaly.org.
·   30-December 2. (Asia and Oceania) The Applied Linguistics Associations of Australia (ALAA) and New Zealand (ALANZ) 2nd Combined Conference, "Applied Linguistics as a Meeting Place," University of Canberra and the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. E-mail appliedLing.2011@canberra.edu.au. Web sitehttp://www.alaa.org.au.
December 2011
·   17-18. (Africa and the Middle East) TESOL Sudan, "Re-imagining ELT Practices: Contexts, Approaches, & Challanges," Sudan International University, Khartoum, Sudan. E-mail elsheikhaymen@hotmail.com. Web sitehttp://www.tesol-sudan.org.
January 2012
·   31-February 2. (Africa and the Middle East) NileTESOL, "Language Education in the 21st Century: Challanges & Opportunities," School for Continuing Education, The American University of Cairo, Tahrir Campus, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail jabr_r@aucegypt.edu. Web site http://niletesol.org/web/index.html.
March 2012
·   13-15. (North America) Third Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) and Professional Communication Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA. Web sitehttp://www.english.cityu.edu.hk/aplspca.
·   13-15. (North America) Third Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) and Professional Communication Association, "Crossing Boundaries: Working and Communicating in the Asia Pacific Region," University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA. E-mail rcwalker@marshall.usc.edu.
·   17-18. (Europe and Eurasia) TESOL Greece, "Teaching, Testing and Technology," Hellenic American Union, Athens, Greece. E-mail chair@tesolgreece.org. Web site http://www.tesolgreece.org.
·   28-31. (North America) 46th Annual TESOL Convention & Exhibit, "A Declaration of Excellence," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. E-mail conventions@tesol.org. Web site http://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/convention2012/index.html.
June 2012
·   1-3. (Asia and Oceania) Japan Association for Language Learning (JALT) CALL 2012, Konan University's Hirao School of Management, Nishnomiya, Japan. E-mail sig-member-at-large@jaltcall.org. Web site http://www.conference.jaltcall.org.
July 2012
·   2-5. (Asia and Oceania) Australian Council of TESOL Associations International TESOL Conference ACTA, "TESOL as a Global Trade - Ethics, Equity and Ecology," Cairns, Convention Centre, Far North Queensland, Australia. E-mailsarah.hoekwater@astmanagement.com.au. Web site http://www.astmanagement.com.au/ACTA12/index.html.
·   31-August 2. (Central and South America) PERU TESOL, "Speaking Up for English," Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Peru. E-mail fdelacruz@perutesol.com. Web site http://www.perutesol.com.
October 2012
·   4-7. (Asia and Oceania) TESOLANZ, "Emerging Opportunities in New Learning Spaces," Palmerston North, New Zeland. E-mail g.r.skyrme@massey.ac.nz. Web site http://www.tesolanz.org.nz.