
Wednesday, August 24

ESL Teaching Jobs

  Oscar Ribas University - Assistant Director ESL Program, Angola
  Oscar Ribas University - ESL Instructor, Angola
Asia and Oceania
  Diplomatic Language Services - EFL Instructor - UAE, United Arab Emirates
  EF Englishtown - Senior Development Editor, Online Learning, China
  UC-Colorado Springs/Milo Kindergartens - Early Childhood EFL Teacher, China
  University of Fukui - Director of the Language Center (Full-time), Japan
  Hanyang-Oregon Joint TESOL Program - Full-time Foreign Professor or Instructor, South Korea
  The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs - EFL Positions at the Daegu Gyeongbuk English Village, Daegu South Korea, South Korea
  ICEAT - ESL Teaching position in Saudi Arabia(TAX FREE), Saudi Arabia
  International Group For Training - IGIT - English Teacher, Saudi Arabia
  Mahidol University International College - EAP Instructor Required for Reputable Thai University, Thailand
  English Language Fellow Program - ESP placements in Turkey, Turkey
  Zirve University - ESL Instructor, Turkey
Europe and Eurasia
  Georgetown University/Project Harmony - English Language Teacher Trainer, Georgia
North America
  British Columbia Institute of Technology - Manager, International Student Entry Program, United States
  Disney English - Disney English Foreign Trainer, United States
  University of Michigan - Senior Editor for ELT, United States
  University of Northern Virginia - Developmental English (ESL) Faculty (Annandale), United States
  Auburn University - Instructor, United States
  IELTS International - IELTS Regional Manager - US Test Center Network, United States
  Colorado Heights University - Adjunct Professor in English as a Second Language, United States
  University of Colorado Denver - Director of ESL Program, United States
  University of Delaware - ESL Instructor, United States
  Maharishi University of Management - ESL PROGRAM DIRECTOR, United States
  Harper College - Dean, Academic Enrichment and Engagement, United States
  Northeastern University - NU Global - ESL Instructors, United States
  GEOS Language Institute, New York - Academic Coordinator, United States
  Santillana USA - Educational Sales Representative for Manhattan, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, United States
  Teachers College, Columbia University - Adjunct Instructor/Lecturer of Language and Education, K-12 Track, United States
  ELS Language Centers--Oklahoma City - Academic Director--Oklahoma City, United States
  American English Institute/University of Oregon - Adjunct Instructors, United States
  Graduate Education, University of Pennsylvania - Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Program Coordinator, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Language Specialist, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Language Specialist, United States
  Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) - ESL Writing Specialist, United States
  Lone Star College System - CE Adjunct, ESL (Workforce), #1990, United States
  SHSU English Language Institute - ELI Training Specialist, United States
  University of North Texas - IELI Associate Director, United States
  District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) - Special Education Teacher - DC Public Schools, United States

Thursday, August 18

The TOEFL Exam - How Reliable is it?

This is an old article but it is a good read for TOEFL teachers and students, and anyone interested in standardized testing.

Click here to read the article

The Pro

Wednesday, August 17

Rhetorical Strategies for TOEFL

A carpenter uses a hammer to build a house. A painter uses a brush to paint a portrait. Speakers and writers use rhetorical strategies to develop, support and analyze fact-based and opinion-based arguments. What is the TOEFL iBT? It's all arguments. Why all arguments? Because argument development and analysis is the foundation of the English-speaking educational system. That means to get a high TOEFL iBT score you must know basic argument development. Start to learn about argument development by learning these basic eight rhetorical strategies. You will use these eight rhetorical strategies for all four sections of the TOEFL iBT.

1. NARRATION: (Chronology)        

She got up at seven. After that she had breakfast, then caught the nine o’clock train downtown.

2. DESCRIPTION: (Person or Place)

His room was tiny, his faded green plant dying, his desk cluttered with empty cups and late assignments.
3. ILLUSTRATION: (Giving Examples)

Google is just one of many search engines.
4. COMPARE/CONTRAST: (Similarities/Differences)

Mary tried the apple pie and decided the cherry pie was sweeter.
5. CAUSE/EFFECT: (Action + Result)

Bill studied hard and passed the exam.

6. CLASSIFICATION: (Dividing into groups)
There are three kinds of wine: red, white, and rose.

7. DEFINITION: (Dictionary Style)
A good student does his homework.

8. PROCESS: (Putting Steps in Order)
Writing consists of three steps: prewriting, writing, and revising.

Remember: To get high TOEFL score, you must know these eight rhetorical strategies. Rhetorical strategies are tools speakers and writers use to support and develop fact-based and opinion-based arguments. What is the TOEFL iBT? All fact-based and opinion-based arguments. Want to know more? It's all in my book.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sunday, August 14

The Secret to TOEFL Success

If you want to study or work in an English-speaking country, like Canada or the U.S., you need to demonstrate English proficiency at the highest levels. Enter TOEFL. TOEFL measures English language proficiency at the academic level, a level many non native speakers find challenging. In light of this, many test-takers ask, "Is TOEFL really a true measure of my ability?" Of course not. TOEFL measures only one ability: the ability to communicate in academic English across four disciplines: reading, listening, speaking, writing. TOEFL does not measure creativity. It does not measure initiative or resourcefulness or faithfulness or honesty or integrity or modesty or piety or industry or charity or chastity or humility or propriety. 

When you think about it, TOEFL measures only a very small part of who you really are. And that can be upsetting, for TOEFL is more than just a stress-filled test. TOEFL is a wall between you and your dreams. I know. I have seen the worry TOEFL causes. Out of this fear and frustration comes the one question I hear over and over: "What is the trick to getting a high TOEFL score?"

Unfortunately, there is no "trick" to getting a high TOEFL score. If someone tells you they have the secret to TOEFL success, don't believe them. If someone did have the secret to TOEFL success, believe me, every TOEFL book would be selling it (mine included). 

Trust me, there is no trick, no button you can push, no amount of new vocabulary you can memorize, no door you can walk through to find a perfect score. Why not? Because English, like all languages, is far too complex to be reduced to a simple game. However, what most test-takers don't realize is that  TOEFL itself is a game. That's right: the TOEFL iBT is a game, a very challenging game, but a game all the same. 

Like all games, TOEFL uses a scoring system to measure player performance. Like all games, the underlying structure of the TOEFL game can be identified and analyzed. Through that analysis, it can be proven that TOEFL, like all games, is surprisingly predictable. In other words, TOEFL repeats itself, just like baseball and soccer and tennis. 

Okay, so? So if TOEFL is a predictable game, test-takers can develop the strategies they need to beat the TOEFL game. What are the strategies you can apply to anticipate TOEFL's every move? Those strategies are available in my books Scoring Strategies for the TOEFL iBT, A Complete Guide and Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT.

As a TOEFL author and instructor, I have not found the secret to TOEFL success because there is no secret. However, as a writer, I have reengineered the TOEFL test with the tools of argument development. I've ripped apart TOEFL's engine and seats and dashboard and tires and trunk and transmission and drive train, and discovered what makes the TOEFL iBT tick. Want to know more? It's all in my books.

 Progress is always good. Do you agree or disagree?

© Bruce Stirling 2010-2011    

Thursday, August 11

ESL Teaching Jobs Around the World

  Oscar Ribas University - Assistant Director ESL Program, Angola
  Oscar Ribas University - ESL Instructor, Angola
Asia and Oceania
  Diplomatic Language Services - EFL Instructor - UAE, United Arab Emirates
  Beijing Huijia(IB) Private School - TESOL teachers needed for K-12 School -Beijing Huijia (IB) Private School, China
  Disney English - Disney English Foreign Trainer, China
  EF Englishtown - Senior Development Editor, Online Learning, China
  English Language Fellow Program - Literature and Critical Thinking Instructors in China, China
  Akita International University - English-for-Academic-Purposes: Full-time Position (Assistant Professor / Lecturer), Japan
  Akita International University - English-for-Academic-Purposes: Full-time Position (Professor), Japan
  St. Mary College/Nunoike Gaigo Senmon Gakko - EFL Instructor, Japan
  University of Fukui - Director of the Language Center (Full-time), Japan
  Hanyang-Oregon Joint TESOL Program - Full-time Foreign Professor or Instructor, South Korea
  University of Macau - Director of the English Language Centre, Macau
  Booz Allen Hamilton - English Language Educational Technology Specialist, Saudi Arabia
  Booz Allen Hamilton - English Language Deputy Team Leader, Saudi Arabia
  Booz Allen Hamilton - English Language Instructor, Saudi Arabia
  Education Experts Company - ESL/EFL Teacher, Saudi Arabia
  ICEAT - ESL Teaching position in Saudi Arabia(TAX FREE), Saudi Arabia
  INTERLINK Language Centers - ESL Teaching Positions, Saudi Arabia
  International Group For Training - IGIT - English Teacher, Saudi Arabia
  Mahidol University International College - EAP Instructor Required for Reputable Thai University, Thailand
  English Language Fellow Program - ESP placements in Turkey, Turkey
  Zirve University - ESL Instructor, Turkey
Central and South America
  Politecnico Internacional, Costa Rica - English instructor, Costa Rica
Europe and Eurasia
  Georgetown University/Project Harmony - English Language Teacher Trainer, Georgia
North America
  British Columbia Institute of Technology - Manager, International Student Entry Program, United States
  Disney English - Disney English Foreign Trainer, United States
  Lone Star College System - Continuing Education Instructor - ESOL (LSC - Vietnam) (#1572), United States
  The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs - EFL Positions at the Daegu Gyeongbuk English Village, Daegu South Korea, United States
  University of Northern Virginia - Developmental English (ESL) Faculty (Annandale), United States
  Web International - Exciting Teaching Opportunities in China, United States
  Education First EF - Director of Psychometrics,
  Education First EF - Director of Assessment Development and Research,
  IELTS International - IELTS Regional Manager - US Test Center Network, United States
  USC Language Academy - Academic Director, United States
  Iowa State University - Iowa State University IEP Lecturershp, United States
  Maharishi University of Management - ESL PROGRAM DIRECTOR, United States
  University of Idaho - Program Manager, United States
  Harper College - ESL CALL & Resource Coordinator, United States
  Harper College - Dean, Academic Enrichment and Engagement, United States
  Northeastern University - NU Global - ESL Instructors, United States
  Ferris State University - Intensive English Program Faculty/Coordinator - F42237, United States
  Ferris State University - Intensive English Program Faculty (FT Temporary - 12 Mo) - F42236, United States
  Santillana USA - Educational Sales Representative for Manhattan, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, United States
  Teachers College, Columbia University - Adjunct Instructor/Lecturer of Language and Education, K-12 Track, United States
  ELS Language Centers--Oklahoma City - Academic Director--Oklahoma City, United States
  American English Institute/University of Oregon - Adjunct Instructors, United States
  Graduate Education, University of Pennsylvania - Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Program Coordinator, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Language Specialist, United States
  University of Pennsylvania - Language Specialist, United States
  Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) - ESL Writing Specialist, United States
  Lone Star College System - CE Adjunct, ESL (Workforce), #1990, United States
  SHSU English Language Institute - ELI Training Specialist, United States
  University of North Texas - IELI Associate Director, United States
  District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) - Special Education Teacher - DC Public Schools, United States