Wednesday, March 9

Sample Independent Essay #4

Do you agree or disagree? Words can often get us into trouble. Use examples and reasons to support and develop your argument.

Can words get us into trouble? Definitely, especially today when everybody all over the world is on Facebook. From my experience, the trouble begins when a simple English word is mistranslated or used in the wrong context.

For example, the other day I was chatting with a new friend on Facebook. She's from China so we both spoke English. We were talking about food and I told her I loved dates. She suddenly got upset because she thought I had asked her for a date, you know, going to a movie or something. She was upset because she was religious and married. But then I had to explain that I didn't want a date. Instead, I loved the fruit which in English is called dates. She understood but after that things were never quite the same. All that because of one simple word like date.

Also, I can remember when me and my best friend Jose were in a restaurant. A waiter walked by and Jose said to the waiter, "Excuse me. Can I get a bowel?" The waiter was totally discombobulated. "A bowel?" he said to Jose. "Yeah," Jose replied. "You know, like a soup bowel." The waiter smiled and said, "You mean bowl. Right. I'll get you one." The waiter went and got Jose a bowl, but Jose was still miffed. I told him, "Bowel means your stomach. That is why the waiter was confused. He thought you ordered a stomach." Jose thought that was pretty funny. So did I. But imagine if a wrong word were part of a big business deal. It could cost a company billions.

As you can see, a simple word mistranslated or used in the wrong context can really blow up in your face. What should you do? Look before you leap.

ETS says an independent essay should be around 300 words. This essay is exactly 300 words.

The Pro

© Bruce Stirling 2011