Friday, October 29

TOEFL Pay Sites - Buyer Beware

Google TOEFL and you'll get a lot of TOEFL web sites. The free stuff is great. But what about TOEFL pay sites? How do you know which TOEFL pay sites are good, which are just using material from TOEFL texts, and which are a rip off? 

Here's how. Do a test. Before you sign up for a TOEFL pay site, ask a scoring question, for example: "Dear TOEFL Pay Web Site. Before I sign up, I have a question. What scoring strategy can I use to increase my integrated essay score from 4.0 to 5.0?" Or, "What scoring strategy can I use to increase my speaking-task-six score from 20 to 25?” 

Remember: TOEFL is all about scoring. That means the answer you get back should be scoring based. If not, buyer beware.

The Pro